I been buying some inks - no, I haven't found the blue one - and I wanted to use all of them in one drawing. I say ALL and it sounds like if I have tons, but no, sadly, hehehe. I realized I bought too many red colours and they looks so much alike, buuuuuuut... today - well, in the morning - I'm going to spend my last money on more inks. I think I'll buy one green and one - guess - blue.
Drawing with dip pens are lost of fun, but I made a mess with the black ink and my fingers are covered with it, grrrrrrrrrr. I don't really care about it, is just that I try not to touch the drawing much so won't get dirty and it is, no matter how much I tried. I have to be extra careful then.
I been thinking latelly about the travel I can't have - I could if I have the money for it -, how makes me feel that. I think I waste too much time thinking about it and only makes me feel even sadder to wonder " if things were different, if I were in the right place, in the right moment what would happen ? ". But maybe I'm not even the right girl, so...
Anyway, this is me on my magic flying carpet. Nice, isn't ? ;P

Today a metallic thing fell on my head. It hurted so bad. Today I came to a moment when I couldn't feel things, only the ones inside and real pain seemed silly and small, like a low buzzing; still I feel things that makes me dream, makes me want to draw and write, and I write and draw. I wish I could draw all the stories, all the music, the way they flows in me.
*Tell me a story, starshine*