Goodnight little bugs. Tomorrow I'll look for new things to closely look at.
or how I waste my life by making doodles.
Next was really tricky, because of the light.
I'm so bloody brilliant. Good thing is that wasn't too bad... still the camera is drowned. I wanted to take some photos, but no can do u.u
Well, I wasn't going to stay all day crying because of that so I bought a swimming suit and I dove into the pool. It felt so nice. Its been years since the last time I got into one, maybe like 10 or more (!). We ate for free - carnitas , is a traditional dish here in the state where I live made with pork -, didn't pay to be there and drank lovely iced beers, also for free, because one of my uncles broadcasted his radio show from that place so the owner invited us all. I must say this was the most fantastic mother's day ever, and I'm not a mum for celebrating myself ! :D
So, why am I whining ? Seems like my kind of sport, isn't ? :B
I am officialy b-o-r-e-d.
I can't seem to finish this drawing, is taking too damn much time. Is not that I don't like how it looks like so far, I do (well, I can't make the water looks like water, grrrrrrrrr) but I'm tired of seeing the same thing for the past days. I have to finish it anyway. I know that with each exchange I have to give the best of my work, but this has gone too far (!) I don't know if I'm desperate because of that or because is too hot in here. I have to wash my hands constantly because of the sweat, thing I don't like to do while drawing because my hand's bones hurts, from fingertips to my elbows.
Ok, I'll stop whining right this moment. Is 2 am and I need to take my med and go to Morpheo's arms.
P.S. 1 I hope I won't be dreaming about it :/
P.S. 2 I can't remember what "WIP" means. "Whining in pyjamas" ? :B